RF Machine

Using the exclusive radiofrequency technology and contact cooling system , it can tighten and lift your skin obviously. RF produces heat
when the tissue electrical
resistance converts the electric current to thermal energy deeper within the dermis. The RF device uniformly disperses the energy to thr
ee-dimensional volumes of tissue at controllable depths. Initial collagen denaturation within these thermally modified deep tissue contr
action; subsequent neocollagenesis
then further tightens the dermal tissue and reduces wrinkles.

Applications of the Ebox :

(1). Tightening skin

(2). Body shaping

(3). Face skin lifting

(4). Wrinkle removal on face

(5). Improving wrinkle on neck

(6). Improving acne

(7). Improving striae gravidarum

(8). Removing dark circles around eyes

(9). Removing wrinkle around eyes

Advantages and Features:

(1). High-Power shortening treatment time.

(2). No cooling technology increases treatment effect.

(3). Can work normally without Bracket. (can be portable)

(4). Combined wide-range radio making the deep tissue get energy evenly.

(5). Long time rebirth result.

(6). With 4 tips of different sizes, can do treatment on body, face and eyes.

(7). Special designed offering two types in one machine---vertical & table top.

(8). Easy to operate and maintain.

(9). No harm to body, no wound, painless